

Blog destined to spreading and advising about the new information and communication technologies for the persons with disability and/or with special needs awareness.


Eye Mouse born to improve the version of the Head Mouse

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Eye Mouse Project is a curriculum development conducted by students and Nicolas Nicolas Amaro Ponieman in the course of Final 6th year of Counseling ICT Technical School ORT Headquarters Belgrano, whose teachers and tutors are Professors John Ignatius D'Amore and Martha Semken.

Once it was presented in the "Innovation 2008" organized by the Chamber of Industry and Trade German Argentina, where he won first prize. Since the beginning of the project, the students were intended to give the development community, which is why the software can be downloaded from the Association of Campus Virtual ORT Argentina.

The idea of this project is that everyone who needs it can build the device in place that is making use of economic tools and components that can be found in trade. Steps to follow:

1. Download the software from the Campus Virtual ORT

2.Perform the installation process (but not run the program until you have installed on the PC Web Cam)

3. Get a Web Cam (to be small and light as possible) without infrared filter, and if you have to remove it (usually by unscrewing the front of the lens of the Web Cam)

4. Build a device to hold the Web Cam at the helm. For the project, students used:

- Welding Helmet, which was used only part of the bincha adjustable. Quit the Mask.

- Moldable metal Cannula devices or electricity, which are screwed into the hull of a welder and holds the camera, allowing it to be adjusted in height and position so that the camera "see" the eye of the person.

- Build with infrared LEDs (light emitting diodes infrared) a kind of flashlight that hold together and allow the camera to "illuminate" the eye (infrared light is not visible to the human, but it is for the Web Cam).

5. Web Cam connect to the computer, if requested by the computer, you must install the driver supplied by the manufacturer of the Web Cam.

6. Run the software Eye Mouse, following the steps required.

For more information on the project, you can watch videos, and presentation developed by the students.

Channel 7
Video of the ExpoTIC08
Presentation at the 2008 Technology Innovation

Both students are currently finalizing an instructive interactive project (Once was in the blog of Orientation ICT).


This project came about through the collaboration of all persons for whom the Head Mouse, draft a mouse emulator with head movement, developed in 2007 by teachers and students of the Guidance in collaboration with the ICT INTI SECyT and not the solution offered desired.Es why any concerns, questions or suggestions, you want to make, please e-mail to, this will help us in improving this project and the proposed new projects to be developed by our students.

