

Blog destined to spreading and advising about the new information and communication technologies for the persons with disability and/or with special needs awareness.


Simple technical adaptations allow to work several persons with disability in the Television

Friday, January 9, 2009

Here I leave you some stories of three persons with disability who through simple technological adaptations have been able to integrate into its jobs in the television of Spain and Catalonia with normality.

The disability in the small screen

With 13 years Nuria del Saz, because of a degeneration of the retina, remained blind, although this disability has not stopped it from showing the "Telenoticias"de Canal Sud 2 since ten years ago. Either the deafness that it affects in Paloma Soroa has made impossible in this jovencísima studying "more tables" of physiotherapy to be the face of the program of TVE "In language of signos".Con than its colleagues, Gloria Rognoni was the first presenter in wheelchair that him
he put in front of the chambers and the magazine drove "Good days, Cataluña",de TV3.Tres brave women, three different stories joined by a same profession.

The career of Nuria del Saz, presenter of blind television, in the journalism started like a cumulus of desires and circumstances. From small it liked it to write and the communication, and it had the luck that its family backed it up riding a radio station for him at home when it was still very young. This fact was essential so that he decided, but also its experience in Wave Zero during the Expo"92,de where the opportunity to work as professional in Madrid appeared. "Finalmente I was not in the asset and I entered into the University of Journalism. I started to work as presenter of the "newscast" in 1998, in Canal Sud 2, hearing a little vertigo for all what entailed the place. I had to demonstrate that it could make it not only for me, but for all the collective. Then, I did not hear myself like a banner of the disability, but it was clear to him that it wanted to do good for the people who had leaned me it. It had to demonstrate that we, the persons with disability, could carry out unusual works how it could be until then to show a news in television", it remembers of the Saz.

The real difficulty that found this journalist at the beginning of being a presenter was its relation with a writing and with computer programs totally visual that, later, were adapted by the computer specialists of Canal Sud and on the ELEVENTH. In those moments, some colleague of Nuria del Saz felt more displaced than her because they did not know even which point the journalist could develop its work. However, all distrust disappeared on the third day, when they checked out which was its real dynamics.

It goes "have even some colleagues who asked me if they had to learn braille for working with me, but they already saw that not. At first I read in braille, but I left this mechanism because more advanced systems appeared and, in the present, after ten years showing the news, I have like a species d'autocue that speaks. Instead of reading the text in the screen how other presenters make, I listen to it.

Another form is from reading and believe that it is the best so that the blind persons read so quickly as the seeresses", he insures of the Saz. At first, of the Saz had to be worth the lack of speed of the braille with the memory, for this motive he revised a lot its texts to be convinced of each coma. At present, it works with a computer connected in net with the system of Canal Sud. The only difference with its colleagues is that its computer has adaptations that the synthesizer that he uses can to him verbalizar the that it has written, in such a way that he accesses to all the contents that there are in the server of news, like this like allowing the rest of writers to read what she writes. The journalist obtains its documents from a printer that it prints in braille.

In 2004 the Spanish Committee of Representatives of Persons with Disability (Cermi) rewarded in Canal Sud for the soci-laboral integration of the collective of persons with disabled and it highlighted the presence of Nuria del Saz as a blind presenter. A tremendous pride for me went because for my task they were rewarding in the chain. There are experiences of work integration of persons with disability in other companies, but in media good, and still more in television, it is not like this. Any journalist can verify the work that arriving until a writing from television and still costs more that values the work that you depawn to itself. Moreover, my trajectory of these last years demonstrates, precisely, that it is possible and that my work, how many thought, is not only a flower of a day. Here we are ten years afterwards", it sustains of the Saz.

With the practice, the journalist has acquired a special skill and knows when anything does not go well in set. He would not "know it how to explain, but when anything fails I guess it. Question of practice is everything. When I make the news I know when I have to speak and when to silence. Still that clear, a blunder is also made and for this the "pinganillo", to warn myself about anything, is for example of an error technical as the videos do not come out. It is almost the same as for a presenter that he sees because in the end we take few decisions for us a lot. The work in television is a work in equipment and are always to the expectation which they tell you comes next", he insures of the Saz.

Nuria of the Saz,a its 34 years again fulfilled, it combines its professional task with that of poet, giving recitals and turning up in anthologies poetic. As a matter of fact, it makes a pair of years, a titled book published "Soul caught up" thanks to the funding of the ELEVENTH.

"I started to write poetry when it was 16 or 17 years old and I kept on preserving the poems because they had value for me. I never knew that I could have it for other, nor I thought to publish them. The truth is that to have a book in the street it opens the doors to any writer. I expect that my second book is published", the periodista."Pero reports my main employment it is my daughter. That is, I am in the morning in the television, from seven, making the news; about 3 I arrive at home and, undoubtedly, the afternoon is every for Diana. Before it had time to write and to think that which it wanted to write, to regret and to write it again. When it appears a soiree, a recital or an extra work of the "newscast" my husband he comes with me, he takes care of the girl and afterwards leave the three in home", he adds of the Saz.

However, this blind journalist knows that having a disability and being hired by a media is difficult its occurring. They do not "hire us for ignorance. They believe that the person with disability needs a lot of help, that it will be difficult to adapt its job or that will not give the same as another person.

Many times it is not a matter of producing in terms quantitative, but qualitative because not all the workers of a company produce in the same way. It would be necessary to search in what can be good or competent a person and promote its capacities.

The media hire less persons with disability from ignorance. The ironic one is to see that many employers of other bouquets hire people with disabilities and they are very happy with its choice. If workers are good, they repeat, it guarantees the journalist. "The first that we have to take out the limitations we are the human beings themselves because I know persons who do not have disability and, however, are full of limitations.
The elimination of barriers starts for one, but it does not end only there. You can be very brave and have a lot of energy and determination to make things and be very combative, but if the environment is not favorable for you you will make little. Undoubtedly, the person with disability has to go out from home and to stop thinking that its goal is impossible. I do not deny them that it is not difficult because easy there is not almost nothing for nobody, but it is necessary to endeavour it and not to call to itself only on a door. It is necessary to insist, to be a lot persevering. But a lot of work remains to make on our part and on the part of the company. The life is not solved for the persons with disability, by no means," he insures of the Saz.

Colom Soroa is 21 years old, he is a student of physiotherapy and deaf person of Spanish Television has been converted into the first presenter. This youngster, who combines its studies with the work, does not give credit to which everything occurred so quickly yet. It "was a chance, I informed that they made evidence, I introduced and they selected me. He did not wait for me for it, but it occurred like this. It is not the program live, but we record the program as if it were it. So there are the same nerves, the same haste and the rhythm that imposes the present. Really, I do not have many difficulties in making it. I use an autocue where I can read what I say and I always have a town councilor who warns me when and in which chamber I have to go. Moreover, story always with my colleagues with whom it is pleasant to work", it explains Soroa.

Colom Soroa puts the in order to the program "In language of signos",una door open to the information for the deaf persons, a place where any person with auditory disability can feel chest of drawers because the program is interpreted in the language of signs and with subtitles. "Undoubtedly, in a space that is spoken in of integration and accessibility we can not discriminate against anybody. Any listener can see us and feel, the one that we call voice in off, us because also our contents go to oral language. It is a program for all, deaf persons and listeners that it is issued for The 2 of TVE",asegura Lola Herrera, director of the program.

The difficulty that finds the student of physiotherapy in exercising its work of television presenter is focused, about every ,al to read the listening presenter autocue."Un he reads directly. In my case, I have to adapt the text in the language of signs, since the structure of one and another language is different. It is a little like this how to be reading in Spaniard a thing that you have to say in English. The bond of "In language of signs" it is that it is an informative program thought for us.

The information does not pass us any other national chain in our language and moreover the student is a course to express our needs and experiences with reports where the deaf persons are the protagonistas.",atestigua.

"The people have the concept that we, the persons with disability, are subordinates, that we are not capable of making the one that makes the majority. The term "disabilities" it implies of if to have many prejudices. Really, we are all disabled because we are not prepared for including in the life everything. The qualified or non qualified of a person it depends of her", it sustains Soroa. "I know the silence, the absolute silence. It is a certain that on feeling, do we develop more other meanings, for example, the tact, we hear more the vibrations or the sight, we detect many things that they can pass to the listeners unobserved.

But the great disadvantage is that we do not have an access in equality either to the education or to the information, not to speak about the access to the job market", complaint. However, for this youngster the important one is to have goals and to struggle for achieving them. According to Soroa, obstacles are always found on the path, but the key there is on not to surrender. "For me, to work with Paloma is a very easy thing, really she who makes it for me easy is and how, many people could think not the other way round. We get along to perfection and collects fast the idea about that which we want to transmit to the public who sees the program.

Moreover, Paloma has a very important quality in a work like in this: it never loses the meaning of the humor, I believe that he has fun making what it makes and this him nota",mantiene its boss. The experience of being a presenter in television it has offered it in Soroa to know of first hand the world of the television, the work of the journalists and how to transmit the information to the public.

He affirms that the one that thrills it more is to be able to make it through its hands. She solves the incidents like a professional more. In its program, where the present changes in a fast way, it is sometimes not possible to warn it with a lot of anticipation. "

However, Paloma controls perfectly the situation, she becomes very serious, closes the eyes to see how he would say that last hour in language of signs and without making lose a minute of the recording improvises it in front of the chamber. Yes, there is not any difference with respect to what any other presenter of television makes", he insures Hernández.

According to the director of the program, Paloma brings a lot to "In language of signs" because it is deaf and because who better than she to know the one that the persons need with the same disability.

"It gives us many clues in this sense. Its opinion has a lot of weight in the program because, really, it is the reflection of what many deaf persons think like her in Spain", he props Hernández.


Glòria Rognoni was a young actress when he silenced of a platform dazzled by the focuses of the equipment of television that they were recording part of the essay of an assembly of "The Jongleurs" in the Theater Romea of Barcelona.

I "collapsed and one of the vertebrae sectionned the provoking marrow-me a paraplègia. My life changed radically. If is a person who was working in a company of theater, traveling for Europe, to stay nine months in a hospital, there is a great difference.
Going in wheelchair it is not simply to walk, many things are seen affected. You have to learn to live again. All the process of adaptation is necessary to assimilate it very slowly", manifest Rosigni. In those moments, the actress considered to change of life completely, to leave the tables, because it seemed to him to sustain its profession impossible, and to study medicine.

However, when Rosigni went out of the hospital, thanks to an offer of the group of theater La Claca, the actress could continue linked to the world of the theater, although this time from another position, the direction. After being with this group a time and another with that which she achieves to denominate its school of vida,"Els Joglars",decidió to work on his account. In the present, door owes years directing a group of disabilities theater psychic and ill mental.

"My work with them occupies me a lot of time, essay with the group four days per week. The works have a professional level; as a matter of fact, we receive the prize "City of Barcelona" in public 2004.El is surprised in the face of the work of these persons because they are accustomed to listen in television to the cases of sick that have pergeñado some disaster.

However, not they all perpetrate them and yes they all have great capacities. Deal that this comes out to the light because all the merit is from ellos",declara Rognoni. The actress assures that although it went to being seated in a wheelchair if was a person with a lot of mobility, it did morally not suppose a great change because it integrated immediately into the theater. "The accident supposed once that it cut me the life for half and this, precisely, is that which I attempted to shape when I prepared the ceremony of the Paralympic Games of the 92.Pasas of the darkness to the light, you become old and boy at the same time, boy because you need helps, you bump into a scale and can not rise it, you lose independence. But at the same time desires a huge maturity.

In those moments he completely changes you the value scale. On the one hand, you are in the darkness, but for another, a wise distance and his it makes you to arrive at the light. It is not everything negative, nor much less. There is not doubt that you arrive at once at understanding and reproducing yourself with all persons who suffer.

Since I go in wheelchair be that we, the persons with disability, have another vision of the reality that, another way of empatizar with the pain of other persons very interesting, is very valid. For me this experience of the accident does not stop being an enrichment", the actress guarantees.

Glòria Rognoni thought that sending the ceremonies of the paraolimpíades came off very big for him, but they convinced to him alleging that who better than she, a person with disability, to insure the intrinsic message of such event. "How I made it well, a certain popularity gave me and on finishing the event named me of TV3 to be a gathering member of the program" Good days, Cataluña",y I accepted it. From there, that one who drove the magazine, Mari Pau Huguet, wanted to abandon the place because of the immense work that it entailed. It was then that I brought it when they proposed me.

The project seemed difficult to me because he was not a journalist; however, I proposed that we proved it. We were rehearsing during a week and it worked out. I always think that when a thing suits to you, before suggesting that, no cry to prove. There he went too far me the hours carrying out interviews and the experience was very interesting, although also a brutal effort, which accumulated at the work that gave me my daughter of two years. Now", account Rosogni, "has 18".
It drove the program for two seasons. Afterwards it left it and it came back to the world of the theater. They "called me other chains and said me that he was the first presenter in chairs of wheel and that which example it was facing for other persons with disability. I always said that it was not a referent for them, because the persons with disability, all, we know of which we are capable. For me the example was given to the persons without disability who from home checked out that a person with disability did not have any problem on driving a program like that.

The truth is that in TV3 any importance to the subject of the wheelchair was given", it points out the actress. "We made few interviews to disabilities because in the program it was wanted to handle the subject of the disability with naturalness. But I have evidence about until a certain point, thanks to the television, the vision of a person in wheelchair being normalized a little. People stopped me for the street and told me that in seeing myself, taking into account that my situation was much more severe than its interest, they had gone out even from depressions.

The problem is that the media do not hire persons with disability for total and absolute ignorance of its capacities. We, the persons with disability, are little present in the media because not him entity llama",se he regrets Rosigni.

"When it was always in the social gathering he tried to introduce information about the disability. It was then when it could make the one that wanted. There is a malignant thing in these employers that they bomb for us with the cult to the body and with whom the people have to be perfect. This is a total stupidity because when you have an accident like mine it is when you see clearly that the capacity of the human being is not its physicist, but its inland. The persons who somehow reject or do not accept the persons with disability are getting lost a very interesting thing. The world of the image, of the superficial one it is malicious.

I blame the persons who have a certain power for not integrating the persons more with disability from its own irresponsibility", he props Rognoni. However, it is positive and affirms that although it always finds barriers, also to persons who help it to overcoming them. For example, when the director of theater goes to any part of the world, he does not take these barriers into consideration because is convinced that if it finds problems, these are always solved.

Many human beings are conscious of the one that there is, and it goes out of them its solidary vein and they help you and understand you. Like this it can leave for the world. I have passed Fear difficult moments in those that it seems that not can more. But always jars. It is necessary to live", he concludes Rognoni.

Digital solidarity (08/01/2009)


